Our Mission
To obtain and provide flexible and accessible quality educational programmes while striving to maintain a cost profile that is appealing to intellectually capable students while also providing high quality and leading to recognised qualifications that ensure Oxford School of Business graduates professional careers and advancements in the United Kingdom and abroad. Everything is done online, including lectures, comments, coursework, and, best of all, no examinations, which sets us apart from the competitors. We also provide all course materials, a laptop or tablet, and other services, such as student support and admission advancement assistance, at no cost including a free tablet upon enrolment. Because of established agreements, we can provide students with university progressions depending on what level they study or work experience provided if educational qualifications aren’t available.
Our Vision
To be able to provide exceptional educational opportunities that respond to community needs and assist students in overcoming economic, social, and environmental obstacles. Our main goal is to be able to form partnerships around the world as a well-established educational institution, primarily in the Middle East and Africa, so that those who wish to study in the United Kingdom can gain a new mental and educational perspective, allowing them to develop their personal, social, and intellectual skills.
Erasmus Policy Statement for Charter of Higher Education (2014-2021)
At Oxford School of Business, internationalisation is one of the four strategic profiles. Our goal is to internationalise our students and faculty, as well as to collaborate on projects with our partner universities. Oxford School of Business aspires to reach high worldwide standards in teaching and, where applicable, applied research through internationalisation. Oxford School of Business wants it’s students to be prepared to compete successfully in today’s global job market.
Oxford School of Business will strive to maintain good teaching standards in order to remain a desirable destination to study for both internal and external mobility students. Oxford School of Business strives for excellence in student mobility management by providing equal academic treatment and services to its own and incoming students. For the duration of their studies, each incoming student will be registered with Oxford School of Business and handled as if they were one of their own students. Incoming students will not be charged any tuition fees, and all incoming students will receive a transcript of records. Full academic recognition is given to study/placement periods completed under the Erasmus framework as well as in partner universities outside of Europe.
Oxford School of Business is not only theoretically oriented, but also practically oriented, with one of the key goals being to satisfy the requirements of the local working community. There are several significant international enterprises here, as well as the UK’s largest energy cluster. Oxford School of Business pays close attention to the demands and aspirations of local businesses in terms of internationalisation, as well as the types of future employees they require. What may be done independently and together to aid implementation is carefully addressed.
There will be a number of well-established Erasmus and other collaboration partnerships at Oxford School of Business. Our objective is to improve the quality of cooperation rather than expand the amount of agreements. When evaluating a new agreement, the curricula are compared, as well as the subjects of study and the number of courses or modules offered in English or other foreign languages. It is advantageous if the same university can develop and offer new opportunities and options for internationalisation, including project collaboration, collaborative e-learning, and joint- or double-degree collaboration. The agreement is assessed to see if it will benefit both parties. Before renewing an existing agreement, statistics (student/teacher exchange) and qualitative facts (how effectively does the mobility procedure function, how quickly transcripts of records and other papers are supplied) are examined. Student feedback, as well as feedback from our departments, are taken into consideration.
Europe and EU initiatives have played and will continue to play an important part in our worldwide strategy from a geographical standpoint. Regardless, the local working environment has had a significant impact on other parts of the globe. China and other Asian countries, as well as Russia and South America, are among these places. As a result, we will not solely focus on initiatives within Europe. Oxford School of Business has a number of partner universities, particularly in the Middle East and Africa, as well as some initiatives in Hungary and the United States. The objective is to build stronger networks in those locations as well in the near future.
The goal of Oxford School of Business is to improve teacher mobility as well as student mobility in all of the cycles we provide (1st and 2nd cycle). Oxford School of Business is committed to provide equal opportunities for both male and female students and staff, as well as disabled students and staff, to participate in an LLP or other international activities. Our goal is to eliminate or at the very least reduce the barriers that impede students and employees from participating in mobility activities. Students are encouraged to enrol in either studies or training abroad, whichever is more appropriate for their programme and goals.
Project Cooperation
Oxford School of Business aspires to work on projects with reputable partner universities from both inside and outside the EU. It is critical that the goals of the initiatives in which Oxford School of Business participates support Oxford School of Business’s overall strategy and goals. The goal of Oxford School of Business is to integrate the region’s working life in our projects, and it is regarded a plus if the project can be part of teaching and involve students as well.
Programme on the modernisation at OSB
All of Oxford School of Business’s degree students, as well as its staff employees, have the opportunity to get foreign experience. This can be accomplished by engaging in an international mobility (study/placement/education, visiting lecture) term. Internationalization at home is enabled by embracing new exchange students and teachers, even for those who do not choose to finish part of their studies abroad. It is critical that our employees are able to recognise cultural differences, learn about other cultures, work in different environments, and understand different higher education structures. This will allow students at Oxford School of Business to experience a modern, engaging, and novel learning environment and atmosphere. We want to achieve even deeper cooperation through active staff mobility and cooperation between staff members from different universities in Europe and other parts of the world (intensive programs, curriculum development, project cooperation, joint modules and joint e-learning projects). At Oxford School of Business, the ECTS and Diploma Supplement are already in use.
In each of the five priority areas, we expect to observe the impact of the European Union’s Modernisation and Internationalisation Agenda in Higher Education at Oxford School of Business:
- Increasing educational achievement in order to give Europe with the graduates and researchers it requires:
We think that universities are not just for the wealthy, and that having a diverse student and faculty body strengthens us. Through our outreach programmes and projects, admissions rules and practises, and our strategy to give targeted financial support to minimise barriers to entry, progression, and mobility, we will strengthen our commitment to broadening participation and diversity. - Increasing the relevance and quality of higher education:
We have high expectations for our graduates and work hard to provide employment-related skills that will help them achieve their goals. We will continue to develop and diversify our international education service at all three cycles and short cycle as suppliers of a broad-based portfolio of distance learning programmes. We will leverage imaginative use of new information and communications technology to deepen teaching and increase the student experience across all of our programmes, both distance learning and campus-based. We will actively promote the personal and professional benefits of international mobility to students and employees, as well as the transferable skills and competencies often associated with this experience, such as cross-cultural communication and language skills, to prospective employers. - Mobilization and cross-border collaboration to improve quality:
We think that through listening to and learning from others, we can improve and grow stronger. We shall expand our knowledge and expertise of different education systems and qualifications, both in participating and non-participating countries, in order to promote entrance, progression, recognition, exchange, and co-operation in educational programme creations. We will strive to provide a broader range of mobility options for our employees and students, as well as to integrate mobility as an important or optional component of a growing number of study programmes. - Putting the knowledge triangle into action:
To use our intellectual resources and build a highly qualified workforce, we collaborate with business and industry, including regional organisations. Collaboration with industry transforms research into solutions that influence our world, addressing global concerns and changing people’s lives. We will expand our research collaborations with industry and the public sector, and we will work to enhance the number of opportunities for students to gain industrial experience and integrate it into their degree programmes. - Governance and financing improvements:
Our goal will be re-investment in the academic purpose and strategic vision of Oxford School of Business as we continue to diversify our financing sources throughout the range of our activities.